/* globals define, module, exports */
* @module constructor
(function( root, factory ) {
'use strict';
if( typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define( [], factory );
} else if( typeof exports === 'object' ) {
// Node. Does not work with strict CommonJS, but
// only CommonJS-like environments that support module.exports,
// like Node.
module.exports = factory();
} else {
// Browser globals (root is window)
root.PureWizard = factory();
}( this, /** @lends module:constructor */ function() {
'use strict';
* Check if class is present
* @param elem
* @param className
* @private
* @returns {boolean}
function hasClass( elem, className ) {
return elem.classList ? elem.classList.contains( className ) : !!elem.className.match( new RegExp( '(\\s|^)' + className + '(\\s|$)' ) );
* Add class to element
* @param elem
* @param className
* @private
function addClass( elem, className ) {
if( className ) {
elem.classList ? elem.classList.add( className ) : hasClass( className ) || (elem.className = elem.className.trim() + ' ' + className);
* Remove class from element
* @param elem
* @param className
* @private
function removeClass( elem, className ) {
if( className ) {
elem.classList ? elem.classList.remove( className ) : hasClass( className ) && (elem.className = elem.className.replace( new RegExp( "(^|\\s)" + className.split( " " ).join( "|" ) + "(\\s|$)", "gi" ), " " ));
var defaultConfig = {
wizardNodeId: '',
errorClass: 'has-error',
statusContainerCfg: {},
stepsSplitCssQuery: 'fieldset',
hideNextPrevButtons: true,
startPage: 0
* Creates a wizard instance
* @constructor
* @param {Object} config - The defaults values for wizard config
* @property {String} config.wizardNodeId - Id of main section that contains wizard
* @property {String} [config.errorClass='has-error'] - Custom style for validation errors
* @property {String} [config.stepsSplitCssQuery='fieldset'] - Form will be splited into the steps with this query.
* @property {Boolean} [config.hideNextPrevButtons='true'] - Show as disabled or hide the wizard buttons when they are not available
* @property {Number} [config.startPage='0'] - Open form at the particular page number, starts from 0,
* @property {Object} [config.statusContainerCfg='{}'] - Allow to configure a status panel
function PureWizard( config ) {
if( !config || !config.wizardNodeId ) {
throw new Error( 'PureWizard init error - wizardNodeId should be defined' );
// External config
this.config = {};
Object.keys( defaultConfig ).forEach( function( configKey ) {
this.config[configKey] = config.hasOwnProperty( configKey ) ? config[configKey] : defaultConfig[configKey];
}, this );
// Internal config
this.pages = [];
this.current = null;
this.currentIndex = 0;
this.form = document.getElementById( this.config.wizardNodeId );
this.statusSectionId = this.config.statusContainerCfg.containerId;
this.buttons = {
next: this.form.querySelector( '.pwNext' ),
prev: this.form.querySelector( '.pwPrev' ),
finish: this.form.querySelector( '.pwFinish' )
this.buttonsInitialDisplay = {
next: this.buttons.next.style.display,
prev: this.buttons.prev.style.display,
finish: this.buttons.finish.style.display
if( !this.buttons.next ) {
throw new Error( 'PureWizard init error - next button not found, create one with class \'pwNext\'' );
if( !this.buttons.prev ) {
throw new Error( 'PureWizard init error - previouse button not found, create one with class \'pwPrev\'' );
self = this,
fieldsets = this.form.querySelectorAll( '#' + this.config.wizardNodeId + '>' + (this.config.stepsSplitCssQuery) ),
if( fieldsets.length === 0 ) {
throw new Error( 'Can\'t find the sections to divide wizard, please check the stepsSplitCssQuery option.' );
if( this.statusSectionId && document.getElementById( this.statusSectionId ) ) {
// Hide all pages at start
this.pages.forEach( function( p ) {
} );
self.goToPage( this.config.startPage, true );
this.buttons.next.addEventListener( 'click', function() {
PureWizard.prototype.next.call( self );
} );
this.buttons.prev.addEventListener( 'click', function() {
PureWizard.prototype.prev.call( self );
} );
if( this.buttons.finish ) {
this.buttons.finish.addEventListener( 'click', function( e ) {
if( !self.current.toggleErrors() ) {
if( self.onSubmitCallback ) {
self.onSubmitCallback( e, {} );
} else {
} else {
return false;
} );
this.form.addEventListener( 'reset', function() {
self.goToPage( 0 );
} );
function divideIntoPages() {
for( i = 0; i < fieldsets.length; i+=1 ) {
node = fieldsets[i];
if( self.pages.length === 0 ) {
self.pages.push( new PureWizardPage( self.config, node ) );
self.current = self.pages[0];
} else {
var prev = self.pages[self.pages.length - 1];
var newPage = new PureWizardPage( self.config, node, prev );
self.pages.push( newPage );
prev.next = newPage;
function initStatusSection() {
var statusSectionContainer = document.getElementById( self.statusSectionId );
self.statusSection = new WizardSteps( self.pages, statusSectionContainer, self.config.statusContainerCfg );
statusSectionContainer.addEventListener( 'click', function( e ) {
var link = e.target;
if( link.tagName.toLocaleLowerCase() === 'a' ) {
var pageNumber = Number( link.attributes['data-step'].value ),
index = self.currentIndex;
if( !self.goToPage( pageNumber ) || index > pageNumber ) {
} );
* Move to next page if present
* @function
PureWizard.prototype.next = function PureWizard_next() {
if( this.current.getNext() ) {
if( !this.goToPage( this.currentIndex + 1 ) ) {
* Move to previous page if present
* @function
PureWizard.prototype.prev = function pureWizard_prev() {
if( this.current.getPrev() ) {
this.goToPage( this.currentIndex - 1 );
* Get current page
* @function
* @returns {PureWizadPage}
PureWizard.prototype.getCurrentPage = function() {
return this.current;
* Get current page index, starts from 0
* @function
* @returns {Number}
PureWizard.prototype.getCurrentPageNumber = function() {
return this.currentIndex;
* Subscription to an event when the page is changed
* @function
* @param {Function} callback Executes after page is changed
PureWizard.prototype.onPageChanged = function pureWizardOnPageChanged( callback ) {
this.form.addEventListener( 'onPWPageChanged', function( e ) {
callback( e );
} );
* When the form is submit
* @function
* @param {Function} callback
PureWizard.prototype.onSubmit = function PureWizard_onSubmit( callback ) {
this.onSubmitCallback = callback;
* Go to page
* @function
* @param {Number} pageNumber - page number to navigate, starts from 0
* @param {Boolean} [skipValidation] - skip validation when switching the page
* @returns {Boolean}
* @fires onPWPageChanged
PureWizard.prototype.goToPage = function PureWizard_goToPage( pageNumber, skipValidation ) {
if( pageNumber >= this.pages.length ) {
pageNumber = this.pages.length - 1;
if( pageNumber < 0 ) {
pageNumber = 0;
var page = this.pages[pageNumber];
// Validate page if we go forward
if( this.current.isValid() || this.currentIndex > pageNumber || skipValidation ) {
if( !skipValidation ) {
// If goes for example from page 1 to 3 and page 2 is invalid
// validate through page 2, but page 3 can be invalid
if( this.currentIndex < pageNumber && this.currentIndex + 1 !== pageNumber ) {
if( this.pages.filter( function( p, i ) {
return !p.isValid() && (i !== pageNumber);
} ).length > 0 ) {
return false;
this.current = page;
this.currentIndex = pageNumber;
// Update the status section
if( this.statusSection ) {
this.statusSection.setStep( pageNumber );
* PureWizard page changed
* @event onPWPageChanged
* @type {Object}
* @param {Object} detail
* @property {Number} previousPage
* @property {Number} currentPage
var event = new CustomEvent( 'onPWPageChanged', {
detail: {
'previousPage': this.currentIndex,
'currentPage': (this.currentIndex + 1)
} );
this.form.dispatchEvent( event );
return true;
return false;
* Toggle next, prev, submit buttons state depending the current wizard states
* @function
PureWizard.prototype.toggleButtons = function PureWizard_toggleButtons() {
var self = this;
function setNextPrevVisibility( button, initialDisplay, value ) {
if( self.config.hideNextPrevButtons ) {
button.style.display = value ? initialDisplay : 'none';
} else {
button.disabled = !value;
self.buttons.finish.style.display = 'none';
if( !this.current.getPrev() ) {
setNextPrevVisibility( self.buttons.prev, self.buttonsInitialDisplay.prev, false );
} else {
setNextPrevVisibility( self.buttons.prev, self.buttonsInitialDisplay.prev, true );
if( !this.current.getNext() ) {
setNextPrevVisibility( self.buttons.next, self.buttonsInitialDisplay.next, false );
self.buttons.finish.style.display = self.buttonsInitialDisplay.finish;
} else {
setNextPrevVisibility( self.buttons.next, self.buttonsInitialDisplay.next, true );
* Represents a single page
* @class
* @constructor
* @param {Object} config
* @property {String} [config.hideClass=''] - Css class used to hide wizard pages
* @property {String} [config.errorClass=''] - Css class to Highlight field with errors, if no
* @param {Node} container
* @param {PureWizardPage} [prev]
* @param {PureWizardPage} [next]
function PureWizardPage( config, container, prev, next ) {
this.el = container;
this.prev = prev || null;
this.next = next || null;
this.config = config;
* Return invalid elements from the page
* @function
* @returns {NodeList}
PureWizardPage.prototype.getInvalidElements = function PureWizardPage_getInvalidElements() {
return this.el.querySelectorAll( ':invalid' );
* Check if the page is valid
* @function
* @returns {Boolean}
PureWizardPage.prototype.isValid = function PureWizardPage_isValid() {
return this.getInvalidElements().length === 0;
* Toggle the validation messages and apply error class
* @function
* @returns {Boolean}
PureWizardPage.prototype.toggleErrors = function PureWizardPage_toggleErrors() {
invalidInputs = this.getInvalidElements(),
containsErrors = false,
i, invalidInputLabel, errorMsg, errorMsgContainer;
for( i = 0; i < invalidInputs.length; i++ ) {
invalidInputLabel = this.el.querySelector( 'label[for="' + invalidInputs[i].id + '"]' );
if( !hasClass( invalidInputs[i], this.config.errorClass ) ) {
addClass( invalidInputs[i], this.config.errorClass );
if( invalidInputLabel && !hasClass( invalidInputLabel, this.config.errorClass ) ) {
addClass( invalidInputLabel, this.config.errorClass );
// If error message and error container exists display error
errorMsg = invalidInputs[i].getAttribute( 'data-error-msg' );
errorMsgContainer = document.getElementById( invalidInputs[i].id + 'Error' );
if( errorMsg && errorMsgContainer ) {
errorMsgContainer.innerHTML = errorMsg;
containsErrors = true;
// Clean the errors from valid elements
var cssClass = this.config.errorClass ? '.' + this.config.errorClass : '';
var validElements = this.el.querySelectorAll( cssClass + ':valid' );
for( i = 0; i < validElements.length; i++ ) {
removeClass( validElements[i], this.config.errorClass );
invalidInputLabel = this.el.querySelector( 'label[for="' + validElements[i].id + '"]' );
errorMsgContainer = document.getElementById( validElements[i].id + 'Error' );
if( invalidInputLabel ) {
removeClass( invalidInputLabel, this.config.errorClass );
if( errorMsgContainer ) {
errorMsgContainer.innerHTML = '';
return containsErrors;
* Get page title
* @function
PureWizardPage.prototype.getTitle = function PureWizardPage_getTitle() {
var legend = this.el.querySelector( '.pwStepTitle' );
if( !legend ) {
throw new Error( 'PureWizard error - no title for page, please add with \'.pwStepTitle\' class.' );
return legend.innerHTML;
* Return the next page
* @function
* @returns {PureWizardPage}
PureWizardPage.prototype.getNext = function() {
return this.next;
* Return the previouse page
* @function
* @returns {PureWizardPage}
PureWizardPage.prototype.getPrev = function() {
return this.prev;
* Show the page
* @function
PureWizardPage.prototype.show = function() {
if( this.config.hideClass ) {
this.el.className = this.el.className.replace( this.config.hideClass, '' );
} else {
this.el.style.display = '';
* Hide the page
* @function
PureWizardPage.prototype.hide = function() {
if( this.config.hideClass ) {
addClass( this.el, this.config.hideClass );
} else {
this.el.style.display = 'none';
* Section with steps, constructs from list, list item and link.
* @class
* @constructor
* @param {PureWizardPage} pages - The list with all pages
* @param {HTMLElement} container - Container where the steps are located
* @param {Object} config - Additional config object
* @property {String} config.ulClass - Add custom ul class
* @property {String} config.liClass - Add custom li class
* @property {String} config.aClass - Add custom a class
* @property {String} config.aActiveClass -
function WizardSteps( pages, container, config ) {
this.config = config;
var ulClass = config.ulClass || '',
liClass = config.liClass || '',
aClass = config.aClass || '',
self = this,
li, a;
this.el = document.createElement( 'ul' );
addClass( this.el, ulClass );
// Populate status sections items
pages.forEach( function( e, i ) {
li = document.createElement( 'li' );
a = document.createElement( 'a' );
addClass( li, liClass );
a.setAttribute( 'href', '#' );
a.setAttribute( 'data-step', i.toString() );
a.appendChild( document.createTextNode( e.getTitle() ) );
addClass( a, aClass );
li.appendChild( a );
self.el.appendChild( li );
} );
container.appendChild( self.el );
* Highlight current step with class
* @function
* @param {Number} stepNumber Make the step active, starts from 0
WizardSteps.prototype.setStep = function( stepNumber ) {
var currentActive = this.el.querySelector( '.' + this.config.aActiveClass );
if( currentActive ) {
removeClass( currentActive, this.config.aActiveClass );
addClass( this.el.children[stepNumber], this.config.aActiveClass );
return PureWizard;
} ));